Friday, March 12, 2010

Another 3 down!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow guys-I lost 3 pds this week-I can't freaking believe it. I know I worked for it but it hardly shows on the scale.

This makes all the walking, counting, etc worth it for sure. I was so extremely happy when I saw I blasted into the 210's like nobodies business.

2 more pds til I reach 30 pds lost. This week will be challenging since we are on vacation but I'm gonna try to keep it in the lines-haha.

We are having Kelly & Rodney over for Turkey dinner on Sat evening and then my birthday is on Monday so those twos days will be rough but I plan on exercising and reading blogs and eating good the rest of the week!

I'm so happy to finally see results~


  1. yay 3 more pounds gone forever
    u go girl

  2. Three pounds! You are literally working your backside off. Enjoy your weekend.

  3. Woot! I am not surpised. You are awesome!

  4. I'm not surprised either. You work DAMN hard girl...give yourself some credit!


  5. OH YAY!!!! You have been working hard and it is paying off. :-D

  6. Thanks ladies-your support means the world to me.

  7. Congrats, girl!!! So proud of you!

  8. Woot!Woot!!! Congrats, that's awesome!!!
    Happy Early birthday :)
